Monthly Archives: May 2011

C25K Week 4 Day 3


As you see from the title, we only got 3 days in this week.  On Wednesday M was feeling under the weather, and I honestly didn’t have the motivation at 4am to get up and go alone.  However, I did get my husband out with me that evening for a mile and a half.  He walked, I ran a little.  It was better than nothing.  Wednesday night we had some icky weather which kept us up with the dogs until after 1:00am, so by the time we got the dogs back out, in bed and asleep, it was a good 2:00am.  By this point I wasn’t feeling hot and was super tired, so Thursday was a no go.  This morning however, we started our run with prayer.  What an awesome way to start the morning!  We were able to run every bit that the program calls for!  That means we ran 1/2 mile without stopping!  I’m so proud of us!  That 1/2 mile was the 5 minute stint, which we did again at the end.  In total we ran 16 minutes – 20 minutes, which was equal to about 2 miles.  Isn’t that great!!  For the first 5 minutes of running, we started going up a hill with a slight, steady incline.  It is so tough, but I was determined to do it!  The whole way up that hill I prayed, and thanked God for many things.  With every step, I praised him!  I thanked him for family members, for having M to run with and push me, for having the ability to run, for having such support from friends and family, for having the motivation and desire to get healthy, for having the motivation to get up every morning at 4:30am….I just spent that time praising Him!  It helped me and empowered me so much!  It was nice to have my mind on something other than, “when is 5 minutes going to be up?!” for once.   Now the numbers on the scale are at a standstill again this week, but I can hear God telling me not to worry about the number.  If I become worried about numbers, like weight and size, I will become obsessed, which will result in me using unhealthy methods to get the numbers down.  I know that, and God knows that.  And I know that does not please God, and it does not lift Him up in any way.  As long as I am working hard, and getting my body healthy, that is all that matters.  I will continue to check my weight because this does give me an idea of what my body is doing, as well as some extra motivation, but I most def. can’t make this all about the numbers, and for once in my life….I’m okay with that.  I know that God will continue to reveal things to me, and motivate me, and work in and through me.

Have a blessed Memorial Day weekend!  Thanks for reading!  On to Week 5 on Monday!

C25K Week 4 Day 2


This morning’s run was slightly easier overall than yesterday’s, and we were able to run more than we had.  Now, that last 5 minute stint about killed me.  It was really tough!  Surely it will be a little easier tomorrow morning.  They are predicting rain for us here on Thursday, so I fear that we may miss a day of running this week.  This morning during our run, one of my neighbors came out for an early morning run as well.  She usually runs in the afternoons, but said with it getting so hot, she thought she might do better going in the mornings.  She told us that she just ran her first marathon in Feb. and that she is involved in a running group.  A running group sounds great, but we aren’t quite ready for something like that.  She was thrilled to see someone else out training like herself, and said we were def. doing it right.  That was nice to hear, because lets face it, sometimes we really doubt ourselves and what we are doing, esp. when it comes to running.  Sometimes I wonder if this program will really work for me and if I will ever work up to where I want to be.  So needless to say, her words were very comforting and encouraging for me.  The 5k my husband and I hope to run is in about a month.  I hope I can do it!  Then I would like to continue training to run the Mardi Gra Marathon with a friend of mine who is also training right now.  Of course I will keep everyone updated on it all.  Let’s just hope that my weight loss picks up this week!

67 days until Panama City Beach, FL!! 

C25K Week 4 Day 1


Well, todays run was def. harder than last week.  On the 5 minute run we only made 4 minutes, which irritated me.  We could have made it, but didn’t realize how close we were to finishing.  Oh well!  In total we ran 11 minutes today, compared to our 9 last week.  Hopefully tomorrow it will be 12.  Weight loss stood at a stand still last week, so lets hope that this week I can put up a good number.  I’m pretty disappointed about last week, so I really need that motivation again.

Just wanted to remind everyone to continue praying for Brandon Ryland’s family.  His funeral is today, and I can’t even imagine what his family must be feeling.  They def. need lots of prayers and support today, and in the days to come.  Thanks for remembering them!

Have a blessed day!

Couch 2 5K Week 3 Day 4


Okay, well the week is at an end, and the weekend is here!  We finished strong this morning and completed the 90 sec. jog/walk, 3 min jog/walk twice as the program calls.  This was our 2nd day to do it.  It was tough, and by the final 3 minute run, I was praying hard.  lol  It was easier than the day before though.  So not really much to report today, my weight loss has been pretty slow this week, but hopefully it will pick back up.  Thanks for following!

Okay, so I have a prayer request for everyone.  I taught at Cenla Christian Academy for about 5 months, and one of the students there, Brandon Ryland (16 years old) died early this morning.  I don’t want to give details because there are many opinions and emotions involved in what happened.  However, please pray for his mom and family, all the students and staff at CCA, and all those who were involved/present when it happened.  The news just broke my heart.  Those kids were like my own, and it is so sad to think that he will miss out on all life had to offer him.  All we can do now is rely on God to help us through, and trust that he is in a better place now.  Just the thought of what happened makes my eyes well up with tears, and my stomach turn in agony and disgust.  So many kids need you prayers.  They are having such a hard time coping with this.


C25K Week 3 Day 2


Okay people, great news….I have officially lost my first 10 pounds!!  I’m so thrilled!  The reason you see today as day 2 of this week, and not day 3 is because we didn’t run yesterday.  On Monday evening I started running fever and feeling really bad, and when I woke up at 4:30am on Tuesday morning, I was still feeling crummy so I was forced to miss a day.  Luckily, when I woke up a few hours later I felt better.  I was feeling bad about having to miss a day, but the program says only to run 3 days a week.  We decided at this point we need to start following the program a little more closely, so this morning we did the run for 90 sec/walk for 90 sec, then run for 3 min/walk for 3 min.   We were concerned that we wouldn’t be able to make the 3 min., but I prayed that God give me the strength, and he did.  We did the 3 minutes of running without stopping, and guess what…it wasn’t too bad at all.  That just meant we had accomplished one more thing.  And really, in terms of distance, we have run further than that 3 minutes before, we just never thought of it in terms of time.  So we will be doing that same regimen on Thursday and Friday as well.

Hope you all have a blessed day!

C25K Week 3 Day 1


Oh-my-word!!!  This morning’s run was sooo hard!  I’ve been having shin splints pretty bad; mainly due to my super flat feet.  So this morning I decided rather than running in my usual Nike Flywires, I’d give my Nike Shocks a try.  Whoa…big…HUGE mistake!!  They were so heavy on my feet.  They made my legs her 10x more than the others had been.  So needless to say, I need to go to a running a store and let them tell me which shoes I need to be wearing.  I’ve been doing a lot of research on this, and have determined that I would do best with motion stability running shoes.  However, there are about a thousand different ones to choose from out there.  It is insane!  Not to mention that I don’t have $150 to go spend on a pair of shoes at the moment.  So…until then it looks like I’ll be making due with what I have, and lets pray the pain subsides sooner, rather than later. 

On a happier note, we ran almost 1/2 mile without stopping this morming.  That is our farthest yet!  I’m betting I could have done the whole thing if it wouldn’t have been for the terrible pain I was in.  It was rough; I just wanted to cry, but I pushed on through it.  Naturally though it was a slow push.  I am very hopeful that tomorrow morning goes much better.  Even so, I have lost 9lbs so fare!  I’m so thrilled!  My goal was to be at 10lbs lost by now, but that’s okay.

We have Peach Festival 5K coming in June, and I just hope that I can do it.  I’m honestly quite worried that I won’t have lost enough weight to be where I want by then.  You see, in order for the running to really get easier for me, I need to drop some pounds….some serious pounds preferably.  I would like to be able to run most of the 5K when it comes time.  Which being my first 5K, my goals are 1. to finish, 2. to not finish last, and 3. to run it in less than 40-42 minutes.  All I can do is keep working hard and praying hard I guess.

Have a blessed day!!!!

C25K Week 2 Day 5


Okay people, we made it 10 days on this journey!  That in itself is an accomplishment in my eyes.  However, this week was tough, especially the last couple days.  I am suffering shin splints yet again, so this morning we just walked.  Disappointing, but better than nothing.  So far I’ve lost 7lbs.  I really want to hit 10 by the end of this week, but I’m worried it won’t happen.  Oh well!  Sorry the posts have been so short this week, it has been crazy busy in this house.  I’ve been working on moving my daughter from one room to the other, finals this week, softball stuff, cleaning, bow making, and 5am runs on top of that.  Not to mention I’m just getting over the allergy issue I’ve been having.  So please forgive me.  I do have one thing I’d like quickly share before I go.  I ran 1/4 mile without stopping this week!  I was so proud that I had done it.  When I was about halfway there, my body was screaming for me to stop, but I asked God to give me the willpower and strength, and he did.  I did not slow down until I reached that marker.  My goal is to run that same stint a 2-3 times next week, preferably each day next week.

Have a blessed weekend!

C25K Week 2 Day 1


Today was day one of our 2nd week in becoming a runner.  We did run more today than last week, but I’ll tell ya, it was tough on the legs after two days of rest.  We discovered that we were already doing 3 miles; we thought we were only doing like 2.  So that is great news!  Also, I weighed in Sunday morning, and I have lost 5lbs.  That is 5lbs lost in 1 week!  I hope I can lose that and more every week.  And can you believe I am actually coming to enjoy my runs.  Who would have thought?!  Lets just hope this keeps getting easier!

On another good note, my husband started running last night.  He ran 3 miles in like 39 minutes and 21 seconds.  I am so proud of him!  I just hope he keeps up the training for our Peach Festival 5K.

Have a blessed day everyone!